Meaning of LSD in English

abbreviation of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, also called Lysergide, potent synthetic hallucinogenic drug that can be derived from the ergot alkaloids (as ergotamine and ergonovine, principal constituents of ergot, the grain deformity and toxic infectant of flour caused by the fungus of grasses, Claviceps purpurea). LSD usually is prepared in the laboratory by chemical synthesis. Its basic chemical structure is similar to that of the ergot alkaloids. LSD also is related structurally to several other drugs (e.g., bufotenine, psilocybin, harmine, and ibogaine); all can block the action of serotonin (the indole amine transmitter of nerve impulses) in brain tissue. LSD produces marked deviations from normal behaviour, which probably are consequences of its ability to inhibit the action of serotonin, though the mechanism of the drug remains uncertain. Because of that ability LSD was used experimentally in medicine as a psychotomimetic agent to induce mental states that were believed to resemble those of actual psychotic diseases (primarily the schizophrenias). After administration, LSD can be absorbed readily from any mucosal surface, even from the ear, and acts within 30 to 60 minutes. Its effects usually last for 8 to 10 hours; occasionally some effects persist for several days. Two serious side effects are prolongation of and transient reappearance of the psychotic reaction. Since LSD is not an approved drug, its therapeutic applications are regarded as experimental. In the 1960s LSD was proposed for use in the treatment of neuroses, especially for patients who were recalcitrant to more conventional psychotherapeutic procedures. LSD also was tried as a treatment for alcoholism and was used to reduce the suffering of terminally ill cancer patients. The drug also was studied as an adjunct in the treatment of narcotic addiction, of autistic children, and of the so-called psychopathic personality. None of these claims were substantiated by the early 1990s, and researchers found no clinical value in the use of LSD. The use of LSD outside of the laboratory may be dangerous. Mood shifts, time and space distortions, and impulsive behaviour are complications especially hazardous to an individual who takes the drug. The individual may become increasingly suspicious of the intentions and motives of those around him and may act aggressively against them. Legitimate use of LSD declined markedly in the mid-1960s. In the United States, manufacture, possession, sale, transfer, and use of LSD came under the restrictions of the Drug Abuse Control Amendment of 1965. In 1966 the only authorized manufacturer of LSD in the United States withdrew the drug from the market and transferred its supplies to the federal government. Research projects have continued under the supervision of the National Institute of Mental Health, a governmental agency. Black market LSD accounts for much of the remaining use of the drug.

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