city, Kyoto fu (urban prefecture), Honshu, Japan, facing Wakasa Bay. The citythen called Tanabedeveloped around a castle built during the Muromachi period (13381573). It has one of the best natural ports on the Sea of Japan (East Sea) coast and prospered as a naval port before World War II. The naval facilities were later converted to industrial use, producing ships, textiles, chemical products, and pottery. The city is also a base for the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force. In 1961 Maizuru became a sister city of Nakhodka, the civil port east of Vladivostok, Siberia, and regular service between the two was initiated. Pop. (1990) 96,329.
Meaning of MAIZURU in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012