Meaning of MARCEL, GABRIEL in English

Additional reading Biography. Marie-Madeleine Davy, Un Philosophe itinerant, Gabriel Marcel (1959); Gabriel Marcel, An Essay in Autobiography, in The Philosophy of Existence (1948). Drama. Joseph Chenu, Le Thtre de Gabriel Marcel et sa signification mtaphysique (1948); Edgard Sottiaux, Gabriel Marcel, philosophe et dramaturge (1956). Philosophy (in English). Seymour Cain, Gabriel Marcel (1963); Kenneth T. Gallagher, The Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel (1962); Sam Keen, Gabriel Marcel (1966); Vincent P. Miceli, Ascent to Being: Gabriel Marcel's Philosophy of Communion (1965); John B. O'Malley, The Fellowship of Being: An Essay on the Concept of Person in the Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel (1966). (in French): Michel Bernard, La Philosophie Religieuse de Gabriel Marcel (1952); Jean-Pierre Bagot, Connaissance et amour (1958); Etienne Gilson et al., Existentialisme chrtien: Gabriel Marcel (1947); Pietro Prini, Gabriel Marcel et la mthodologie de l'invrifiable (1953); Paul Ricoeur, Gabriel Marcel et Karl Jaspers: Philosophie du mystre et philosophie du paradoxe (1947); Roger Troisfontaines, De l'Existence l'tre, 2 vol. (1953). Bibliography. Troisfontaines' work (vol. 2, pp. 381425), contains a complete list of Marcel's writings, published and unpublished, from 1897 to Jan. 1, 1953.

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