Meaning of MERKAVA in English

also spelled Merkabah (Hebrew: Chariot), the throne, or chariot, of God as described by the prophet Ezekiel (Ezekiel 1); it became an object of visionary contemplation for early Jewish mystics. Merkava mysticism began to flourish in Palestine during the 1st century AD, but from the 7th to the 11th century its centre was in Babylonia. Merkava mystics probably experienced ecstatic visions of the celestial hierarchies and the throne of God. In Merkava mystical literature the ascent of the visionary's soul is described as a perilous journey through seven spheres, or heavenly dwellings, manned by hostile angels. The visionary's goal was to behold the divine throne situated on its chariot. Merkava mysticism was strongly influenced by Gnostic beliefs. Merkava initiates (tzenu'im), limited to a select few with specific moral qualities, were required to prepare themselves by fasting. A successful visionary journey depended, in part, on the use of certain magical formulas (called seals) that were used to placate the angelic gatekeeper of each heavenly dwelling. The use of an incorrect seal could result in severe injury or a fiery death. The Talmud warns that among four men who engaged in Merkava, one died, one went mad, one apostatized, and only Rabbi Akiba ben Joseph had a true visionary experience. Those who practiced Merkava were sometimes called Explorers of the Supernatural World (Yorde Merkava); Gershom Gerhard Scholem, a modern Jewish scholar of mysticism, suggests that the words may have implied a descent into the depths of self. The oldest literary sources of the movement are two hekhalot texts: the Lesser attributed to Rabbi Akiba, the Greater to Rabbi Ishmael ben Elisha. The Book of Enoch and the Shi'ur qoma (Divine Dimensions) belong to this same tradition. The latter contains highly exaggerated anthropomorphic descriptions of God.

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