also called Narsinghpur town, administrative headquarters of Narsimhapur district, Madhya Pradesh state, central India, on the Singri River. Once called Chhota Gadarwara, the town was renamed Narsinghpur after the Narasimha (the man-lion, an incarnation of Vishnu) temple, erected c. 1800. The Singri River divides the town into two parts, Kandeli (east) and Narsimhapur (west). It is a rail junction and is heavily engaged in trade in agricultural produce and timber. Sawmilling is the chief industry. There is a government college affiliated with the University of Saugar. Narsimhapur district (1,984 sq mi [5,138 sq km]) occupies a narrow alluvial strip between the Narmada River (north) and the Satpura Range (south). Wheat, jowar (sorghum), gram (chick-pea), and oilseeds are the chief crops. Forest products are important, and coal deposits are worked. Pop. (1981) town, 34,226; district, 650,445.
Meaning of NARSIMHAPUR in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012