dpartement, Bourgogne rgion, central France, created from the historic province of Nivernais and a small part of Orlanais. Its area includes the mountainous, forested Morvan in the east, the hilly, wooded Nivernais plateau in the centre, and the valley of the Loire River in the west. The terrain attains elevations of more than 2,600 feet (800 m) in the Morvan and 1,400 feet (430 m) in the centre. The lowest parts, 460 feet (140 m), are in the Sologne region in the northwest between the Loire and the Vrille, which form the western boundary. The Loire River enters in the south, passes through the ancient town of Decize, where it is joined by the Aron, and through Nevers, the capital, where it receives the Nivre, a small tributary for which the dpartement is named. Southwest of Nevers, the Loire is joined by the Allier and flows north before entering Loiret dpartement. In the Morvan the climate is variable, with early winters and hot summers, while on the Nivernais plateau it is continental and in the Loire valley mild. The dpartement is predominantly agriculturalcattle, sheep, cereals, and forestry. Some industry, including metallurgical and chemical works, is found in the Nevers region and in Clamecy and Decize. The white wines of Pouilly-sur-Loire have good standing in France. The view across the Loire of the town of La Charit, with its Romanesque abbey church, its 16th-century stone bridge, and its ramparts, is one of the most delightful in central France. The old towns of Chteau-Chinon and Clamecy, in the Morvan mountains on the Yonne River, are popular tourist attractions. The dpartement is divided into the arrondissements of Nevers, Chteau-Chinon, Clamecy, and Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire. It is in the educational division of Dijon. Area 2,632 square miles (6,817 square km). Pop. (1993 est.) 230,800.
Meaning of NIEVRE in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012