Meaning of PEMATANGSIANTAR in English

city, Sumatera Utara provinsi (province), Sumatra, Indonesia. It is about 50 miles (80 km) southeast of Medan, the provincial capital, with which it is connected by a major road and railway. The second most populous city in the province, after Medan, Pematangsiantar is inhabited mainly by Batak; there are also Chinese and Indians who are mostly traders, merchants, and businessmen. Located in the midst of rubber and palm plantations, it is a centre of trade and transshipment for rubber, tobacco, tea, natural fibres, palm oil, and rice. Industries include food processing, soap and oil production, and rice milling. Wood carving, gold and silver filigree work, handloom weaving, and plaiting are among the crafts. The H.K.B.P. Nomensen University (private) is in Pematangsiantar. There is also the Simalungun Museum and a zoo. Pop. (1980) 150,376.

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