born c. 1450, , Citt della Pieve, near Perugia, Romagna died , February/March 1523, Fontignano, near Perugia byname of Pietro Di Cristoforo Vannucci Italian early Renaissance painter of the Umbria school, the teacher of Raphael. His work (e.g., "Giving of the Keys to St. Peter," 1481-82, a fresco in the Sistine Chapel, Rome) anticipated High Renaissance ideals in its compositional clarity, sense of spaciousness, and economy of formal elements. Additional reading The most complete documentation on Perugino is in Fiorenzo Canuti, Il Perugino, 2 vol. (1931); but there is a useful modern monograph by E. Camesasca, Tutta la pittura del Perugino (1959). See also the lengthy article by Francesco Santi in the Encyclopedia of World Art, vol. 11, col. 265-271 (1966); and Frederick Hartt, A History of Italian Renaissance Art (1969). Major Works: "St. Sebastian" (1478; Cerqueto, Italy); "Giving of the Keys to St. Peter" (1481-82; Vatican, Sistine Chapel); "Crucifixion" (c. 1485; National Gallery, Washington, D.C.); "Vision of St. Bernard" (c. 1491-94; Alte Pinakothek, Munich); "Adoration of the Child, Crucifixion, and Saints" (1491; Villa Torlonia, formerly Albani, Rome); "Madonna and Saints" (1493; Uffizi, Florence); "Madonna and Saints" (1493; Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna); "Crucifixion" (1493-96; convent of Sta. Maria Maddalena dei Pazzi, Florence); "Francesco delle Opere" (1494; Uffizi); "Piet" (c. 1494-95; Uffizi); "Virgin in Glory with Saints" (c. 1495-96; Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna, Italy); "Agony in the Garden" (1495; Galleria Palatina, Florence); Altarpiece (1497; church of Sta. Maria Nuova, Fano, Italy); "Ascension" (1496-98; Muse Municipal des Beaux-Arts, Lyon), panels belonging to this painting in museums at Nantes and Rouen in France; "Annunciation" (1498; church of Sta. Maria Nuova); "Archangel Michael, the Virgin Adoring the Child, Archangel Raphael with Tobias" (c. 1499; National Gallery, London); "Biagio Milanesi" (1500; Uffizi); "The Monk Baldassare" (1500; Uffizi); "Prophets, Heroes, Sibyls, and Sages, the Transfiguration and the Adoration of the Shepherds" (c. 1497-1500; Sala dell'Udienza, Collegio del Cambio, Perugia, Italy); "St. Sebastian" (1500-08; Hermitage, St. Petersburg); "Resurrection" (c. 1501; Vatican Gallery); "Adoration of the Shepherds" (1501; Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria, Perugia); "Crucifixion and Saints" (1502-06; church of S. Agostino, Siena, Italy); "Marriage of the Virgin" (1503-04; Muse de l'Htel de Ville, Caen, Fr.); "Combat of Love and Chastity" (1505; Louvre, Paris); "Deposition" (1505-07; Uffizi); "Assumption" (1506; Uffizi); "Ascension" (c. 1509; Cathedral, Sansepolcro, Italy); Altarpiece (before 1517; Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria); "Adoration of the Magi" (1521; church of Sta. Maria delle Lacrime, Trevi, Italy); "Nativity" (1522; National Gallery, London).
Meaning of PERUGINO in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012