Meaning of PRATYEKA-BUDDHA in English

(Sanskrit"independent, or separate, Buddha") Pali pacceka-buddha in Buddhism, one who attains enlightenment through his own efforts, as distinct from one who reaches the goal by listening to the teachings of a buddha. The pratyeka-buddha is also distinguished from the "complete buddha" (sammasam-buddha), for he is not omniscient and is not capable of enlightening others. In early Buddhism, the various yanas, or ways of enlightenment, included the way of the disciple (sravakayana) and the way of the self-enlightened buddha (pratyeka-buddhayana). The latter concept was retained only in the Theravada tradition. By contrast, Mahayana Buddhists emphasize the ideal of the bodhisattva, who postpones his own final enlightenment while he works toward the salvation of others, and they consider both the pratyeka-buddha and the arhat (perfected master) to be too limited achievements.

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