Meaning of SIDEBAR - ALAN FREED in English

Alan Freed did not coin the phrase rock and roll; however, by way of his radio show, he popularized it and redefined it. Once slang for sex, it came to mean a new form of music. This music had been around for several years, but Freed's primary accomplishment was the delivery of it to newprimarily young and whitelisteners. Besides exposing his audience to blues, rhythm and blues, swing, and doo-wop, he brought black and white fans together at his dance concerts. He began staging his shows in Cleveland, Ohio, where he had joined WJW in 1951 and soon reigned as the King of the Moon Doggers. Moving to New York City and WINS in 1954, he continued to produce lucrative concerts. For his efforts, he drew charges of race-mixing and the attention of vigilant police. A disturbance at a concert in Boston in 1958 resulted in criminal charges against Freed and his departure from WINS. In 1960 he was enveloped in the congressional hearings on payola (money or gifts given to deejays by representatives of record companies in return for playing their records), and his career was in jeopardy. After relocating to Los Angeles, where he worked at KDAY for a short time, he was indicted on charges of tax evasion in 1964 and died in 1965. Ben Fong-Torres

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