Meaning of SULAYHID DYNASTY in English

(10471138), Muslim dynasty nominally subject to the Fatimid caliph in Egypt, responsible for restoring Isma'ilism (a radical Muslim sect) in Yemen. The Sulayhid family was brought to power by 'Ali ibn Muhammad (reigned 104767), who, through his association with the Fatimid da'i (propagandist) in the area, established a state in the mountains of Yemen. Within 20 years he displaced the Najahids, north of Yemen in the Tihamah coastlands; the Zaydi imams in San'a', north Yemen (1063); and the Ma'nids of Aden, southeast of Yemen (1064). In the Hejaz (northwest coast of Arabia), once the stronghold of the Musawid sharifs (descendants of Muhammad), 'Ali set up the Hashimid sharifs (1063), who were to rule Mecca until the 1920s. By the end of the 11th century, however, al-Mukarram Ahmad (reigned 106784), 'Ali's son, saw the Sulayhid possessions begin to diminish: the Najahids reappeared in the north, while in the south, Aden was given to the Zuray'ids, a related dynasty also of Isma'ili persuasion. Late in his reign Ahmad transferred effective control of the principality to his wife, as-Sayyidah Arwa. The Fatimids recognized her as suzerain of the kings of the Yemen until her death in 1138, when Yemen passed into Zuray'id hands.

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