South American Indians who formerly inhabited the Patagonian plains from the Strait of Magellan to the Negro River. They were divided into northern and southern branches. Each division had its own dialect; the northerners have been classified as horse nomads, the southerners as foot people. They became famous in European literature for their great stature and physical strength. Little is known of the original pre-horse culture of the Tehuelche, but their socioeconomic organization probably resembled that of the Ona (q.v.) of Tierra del Fuego. The introduction of the horse in the early 18th century transformed the subsistence patterns and social organization of the Tehuelche. They began to exploit the brush-covered steppes of Patagonia much as the Indians of North America took to the Great Plains. They lived mainly on guanaco and rhea meat, as well as some plant food, but practiced no agriculture. The Pampean hunters quickly grew in numbers, and their bands conglomerated; the Tehuelche bands numbered as many as 500 members. These mounted bands hunted and engaged in war. Gradually, the successful war leader replaced the kinship leader in importance. The Tehuelche were eventually defeated and culturally assimilated by the European settlers. They believed in spirits of the bush and in a supreme being who had created the world but did not intervene in its working. Their shamans cured sickness with assistance from spirits.
Meaning of TEHUELCHE in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012