Meaning of TOCQUEVILLE, ALEXIS DE in English

Additional reading Publication of all Tocqueville's major works is in Oeuvres compltes, ed. by J.P. Mayer (1951 ). English translations of major works are: Democracy in America, 2 vol., ed. by P. Bradley (1945), another one-volume edition of the same work, ed. by J.P. Mayer and M. Lerner (1966); The Old Regime and the French Revolution, trans. by S. Gilbert (1955); and The Recollections of Alexis de Tocqueville, ed. by J.P. Mayer and A.P. Kerr (1970). A new English edition of Du systme pnitentiaire aux tats-Unis, et de son application en France (1833; On the Penitentiary System in the United States and Its Application in France), was published in 1964.There are three 20th-century biographies of Tocqueville: R.P. Marcel, Essai politique sur Alexis de Tocqueville (1910); A. Rdier, Comme disait M. de Tocqueville . . . (1925); and J.P. Mayer, Alexis de Tocqueville: A Biographical Essay in Political Science, rev. ed. (1960). G.W. Pierson, Tocqueville and Beaumont in America (1938), marked the beginning of a generation of intense Tocqueville scholarship. There is nothing approaching a definitive biography. For the author's correspondence with Gobineau, see The European Revolution and Correspondence with Gobineau, ed. and trans. by J. Lukacs (1959). The best study of his private life remains that of Rdier, despite its avowed antiliberal and antidemocratic bias. E.T. Gargan, De Tocqueville (1965), also contains an analysis of his formative studies before 1830. Tocqueville's special relationship with Beaumont is studied in Pierson, in great detail for the earlier period; and in S. Drescher (ed.), Tocqueville and Beaumont on Social Reform (1968). See also their correspondence, ed. by A. Jardin in vol. 8 of the new edition of Tocqueville's Oeuvres (1968). The influence of his English visits is dealt with in S. Drescher, Tocqueville and England (1964). Tocqueville's own travel notes are ed. by J.P. Mayer and A. Jardin as vol. 6 of Tocqueville's Oeuvres. They are translated as Journey to America (1960), and Journeys to England and Ireland (1958). On Tocqueville's early political career see Marcel (cited above); M. Lawlor, Alexis de Tocqueville in the Chamber of Deputies (1959); and various essays in Alexis de Tocqueville: Livre du centenaire, 18591959 (1960). E.T. Gargan, Alexis de Tocqueville: The Critical Years, 18481851 (1955), analyzes the period of the Second Republic; R. Herr, Tocqueville and the Old Regime (1962), covers the period of Tocqueville's study of the French Revolution.Interpretations of Tocqueville's thought include: J. Lively, The Social and Political Thought of Alexis de Tocqueville (1962); R. Aron, Essai sur les liberts (1965); M. Zetterbaum, Tocqueville and the Problem of Democracy (1967); J. Feldhoff, Die Politik der egalitren Gesellschaft: Zur soziologischen Demokratie-Analyse bei Alexis de Tocqueville (1968); S. Drescher, Dilemmas of Democracy: Tocqueville and Modernization (1968); and I. Zeitlin, Liberty, Equality, and Revolution in Alexis de Tocqueville (1971).

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