any of various peoples whose members speak languages belonging to the Turkic subfamily of the Altaic family of languages. They are historically and linguistically connected with the T'u-cheh, the name given by the Chinese to the nomadic people who in the 6th century AD founded an empire stretching from Mongolia and the northern frontier of China to the Black Sea. With some exceptions, notably in the European part of Turkey and in the Volga region, the Turkic peoples are confined to Asia. Their most important cultural link, aside from history and language, is that with Islam, for, with the exception of the Yakut of eastern Siberia and the Chuvash of the Volga region of Russia, they are all Muslim. The Turkic peoples may be divided into two main groups: the western and the eastern. The western group includes the Turkic peoples of southeastern Europe and those of southwestern Asia inhabiting Anatolia (Asian Turkey) and northwestern Iran. The eastern group comprises the Turkic peoples of Central Asia, Kazakstan, and the Uighur Autonomous Region of Sinkiang in China. Turkic peoples display a great variety of ethnic types. Generally, those in the eastern group belong to the Asiatic geographic race, while the western peoples have more affinity to the European geographic race. Little is known about the origins of the Turkic peoples, and much of their history even up to the time of the Mongol conquests in the 10th13th century is shrouded in obscurity. Chinese documents of the 6th century AD refer to the empire of the T'u-cheh as consisting of two parts, the northern and western Turks. This empire submitted to the nominal suzerainty of the Chinese T'ang dynasty in the 7th century, but the northern Turks regained their independence in 682 and retained it until 744. The Orhon inscriptions, the oldest known Turkic records (8th century), refer to this empire and particularly to the confederation of Turkic tribes known as the Oguz; to the Uighur, who lived along the Selenga River (in present-day Mongolia); and to the Kyrgyz, who lived along the Yenisey River (in north-central Russia). When able to escape the domination of the T'ang dynasty, these northern Turkic groups fought each other for control of Mongolia from the 8th to the 11th century, when the Oguz migrated westward into Iran and Afghanistan. In Iran the family of O guz tribes known as Seljuqs created an empire that by the late 11th century stretched from the Amu Darya south to the Persian Gulf and from the Indus River west to the Mediterranean Sea. In 1071 the Seljuq sultan Alp-Arslan defeated the Byzantine Empire at the Battle of Manzikert and thereby opened the way for several million Oguz tribesmen to settle in Anatolia. These Turks came to form the bulk of the population there, and one Oguz tribal chief, Osman, founded the Ottoman dynasty (early 14th century) that would subsequently extend Turkish power throughout the eastern Mediterranean. The Oguz are the primary ancestors of the Turks of present-day Turkey. Farther east, in Central Asia, the Uighurs were driven out of Mongolia and settled in the 9th century in what is now the Sinkiang region of northwestern China. Some Uighurs moved westward into what is now Uzbekistan, where they forsook nomadic pastoralism for a sedentary lifestyle. These people became known as Uzbeks, named for a ruler of a local Mongol dynasty of that name. The Mongol conquests, which began in the early 13th century, caused a general series of movements of the Turkic peoples that continued for several centuries. The Mongols eventually brought under their domination almost all the areas held or inhabited by Turkic peoples. The Kipchak, a Turkic people who had moved from the Irtysh River southwest across Kazakstan to establish themselves in what is now southwestern Russia, were destroyed by the expanding Mongols in 1239, and the last remnants of the declining Seljuq empire in Iran were likewise subjugated. But when the Mongol empire was divided following Genghis Khan's death (1227), a process of Islamization and Turkification ensued that resulted in the virtual absorption by the Turks of those Mongols outside Mongolian territory. The influence of the Mongol rulers diminished, and real power in Central Asia passed to their Turkic provincial governors, one of whom, Timur, was able to extend his own authority over most of southwest and parts of South Asia in the late 14th century. In the 15th century, Russian expansion south toward the Caspian Sea drove the Turkic inhabitants there eastward into what is now Kazakstan, where they are now known as Kazaks. Because of these processes of migration, conquest, intermarriage, and assimilation, many of the Turkic peoples that now inhabit Central and Southwest Asia are of mixed origins, often stemming from fragments of many different tribes, though they speak closely related languages. Apart from the Turks of Turkey, none of the Turkic peoples can be said to have had any continuous national or political existence until the formation, after the Russian Revolution of 1917, of the various Soviet republics and, after 1955, of the Sinkiang region in China. The achievement of independence by Kazakstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan in 1991 was the most important political development among the Turkic peoples since the Russian Revolution of 1917. The most numerous of the Turkic peoples, after the Turks of Turkey, are the Uzbeks of Uzbekistan and Afghanistan. Their name seems to have originated from z Beg, the greatest khan of the Golden Horde (q.v.), who embraced Islam; the name came to be applied to the Muslim ruling class of the Golden Horde. Another numerous group are the Kazak, who are thought to have been formed from the Kipchak tribes that constituted part of the Golden Horde. Most of them live in Kazakstan; there are also a large number of Chinese Kazak in Sinkiang and neighbouring Kansu and Tsinghai provinces of China. The Kyrgyz, whose origin is obscure, chiefly inhabit Kyrgyzstan. There is a small minority of Kyrgyz in Afghanistan and western China. The Turkmen were until 1924 a nomadic, tribal people with no political unity. Most of them live in Turkmenistan; there are also large groups in Iran and Afghanistan and others in Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. The Azerbaijani, who inhabit Azerbaijan and northwestern Iran, are one people; they were divided between the Russian and Persian empires in 1828 by the Treaty of Turkmanchay. The Karakalpak, who are closely allied to the Kazak, inhabit Karakalpakstan (q.v.), which is a portion of Uzbekistan. The Tatars consist of two groups, those living in Tatarstan, a republic in Russia, and those inhabiting the Crimean Peninsula; the latter were deported from their homes en masse in 1944 and forcibly resettled in Uzbekistan, but since 1989 they have been returning to Crimea. The Tatars in Tatarstan are thought to be descended from indigenous Turkic tribes of the Kipchak group. It is probable, however, that they also contain Bulgarian elements. The Bashkirs are widely dispersed in the eastern part of European Russia, where they have their own republic, and beyond the Ural Mountains. Although the Bashkir language is purely Turkic, their culture is mixed; some ethnographers believe that they were originally Hungarian. The Karachay and Balkar of the Russian Caucasus Mountains are of uncertain origin. In the course of many centuries, they have become mixed with the Ossetes (Ossetians), from whom they are anthropologically indistinguishable. They were deported during World War II to areas in Central Asia but have since been allowed to return. The Yakut of Siberia are classified as a Turkic people because of their language, but little is known of their origin. They are believed to have emigrated northward from the region of Lake Baikal; their culture is in some respects identifiable with that of adjoining Siberian peoples. The Chuvash are one of the largest non-Slav communities inhabiting the Volga region of southwestern Russia. They are Russian Orthodox Christians, and only their language suggests that they are of Turkic origin. The Uighur form the predominant population of the Sinkiang region of western China; a small number live in the Central Asian republics as well. See also Azerbaijani; Bashkir; Chuvash; Kazak; Kyrgyz; Tatar; Turkmen; Uighur; Uzbek; Yakut.
Meaning of TURKIC PEOPLES in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012