Meaning of VELVET ANT in English

any species of solitary (nonsocial) wasp of the family Mutillidae, belonging to the order Hymenoptera. Velvet ants are so called because the females are covered with dense hairs and, like ants, are wingless. Most species are brightly coloured, with yellow, orange, or red patterns, ranging in size from about 6 to 20 mm (about 0.25 to 0.80 inch). About 3,000 species are known, and they are most prevalent in the hot, dry regions of the Western Hemisphere. Only the females have a sting, which is powerful. Both sexes make a squeaking sound by rubbing a special stridulating organ. Although most species are parasites of other bees and wasps, some parasitize flies or beetles. The female lays eggs in the cells in which the host livesone egg per cell. In cool regions the larvae, which are external parasites on the immature host, pass the winter in the pupal form.

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