any stinging member (formerly called Aculeata) of the insect suborder Apocrita (order Hymenoptera), other than bees and ants, as well as certain nonstinging insects of the suborder Symphyta: wood wasps, cedarwood wasps, and parasitic wood wasps. (For the latter, see wood wasp.) Wasps have biting mouthparts and antennae with 12 or 13 segments. They are normally winged, have the abdomen attached to the thorax by a slender petiole, or "waist," and, in the female, are provided with a formidable sting. Adult wasps feed primarily on nectar, but their larvae feed on insects provided by the female parent. There are more than 20,000 known species of wasps, the vast majority of which are solitary in habit. The social wasps are confined to about 1,000 species within the family Vespidae (superfamily Vespoidea) and include the hornets and yellow jackets. They and the Pompilidae, or spider wasps (also in the superfamily Vespoidea), differ from other wasp families in having their wings folded longitudinally when at rest. Solitary wasps are distributed in the superfamilies Bethyloidea, Scolioidea, and Sphecoidea, along with the Pompilidae family. Most species build isolated nests, which they provision with permanently paralyzed insects or spiders. The female wasp deposits an egg in each cell of the nest, and the wasp larva hatching from that egg feeds to maturity upon the food with which its cell has been provisioned. The vast majority of solitary wasps nest in the ground, digging tunnels in the soil in which to lay their eggs. But the Sphecidae, or thread-waisted wasps (superfamily Sphecoidea), contain forms of more diverse habits, with some nesting in wood, pithy plant stems, or in nests made of mud. Spider wasps (Pompilidae) usually build nests in rotten wood or in rock crevices and provision them with spiders. The potter or mason wasps (subfamily Eumeninae) of the Vespidae build nests of mud, which are sometimes vaselike or juglike and may be found attached to twigs or other objects. The social wasps within the family Vespidae are among the best-known species of wasps. Most of them belong to the subfamilies Vespinae or Polistinae . In their societies they have a caste system consisting of one or several queens, a few drones (males), and sterile females called workers. The queen, a fertilized female, begins the colony in the spring by building a small nest and laying eggs that hatch into workers. The latter enlarge the paperlike nest, which is composed of chewed dry plant material, usually wood, that has been regurgitated and mixed with saliva. The nest consists of one or more layers of cells that are vertically arranged with the openings downward. Depending on the species, the nest may be found in cavities in the soil, in tree trunks, or hanging from leaves, branches, or the eaves of buildings. The most familiar social wasps in northern temperate regions are species of the genera Polistes, Vespa, or Vespula; many are large and aggressive and are equipped with formidable stings. Some Vespula species are called yellow jackets owing to the black and yellow bands on their abdomen. Other species of both Vespula and Vespa are called hornets; these are mostly black, with yellowish markings on the face, thorax, and the tip of the abdomen. Four major groups of solitary wasps are parasitic and do not construct nests. These are the cuckoo wasps (family Chrysididae) in the superfamily Bethyloidea and the tiphiid wasps (family Tiphiidae), scoliid wasps (family Scoliidae), and velvet ants (family Mutillidae) in the superfamily Scolioidea. Cuckoo wasps are mostly brilliant metallic green or blue in colour; they lay their eggs in the nests of solitary bees or wasps, and the larvae hatching from those eggs feed on the bee or wasp larvae or on the food provisioned by the latter's parents. The so-called velvet ants have bodies clothed with long thick hair of contrasting colours, often black and red, and the females are wingless and antlike in appearance. Most of them are parasitic on the larvae and pupae of solitary bees and wasps. Most species of tiphiid and scoliid wasps parasitize beetle grubs that live in the soil.
Meaning of WASP in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012