(160607), armed uprising of Polish nobles led by Mikolaj Zebrzydowski against their king Sigismund III (ruled 15871632). Despite its failure to overthrow the king, the rebellion firmly established the dominance of the Roman Catholic gentry over the monarch in the Polish political system. After Louis I (king of Poland, 137082, and of Hungary, 134282) concluded the Pact of Koszyce with the Polish nobility and gentry (1374), guaranteeing them broad rights and privileges, the Polish gentry gradually acquired an increasing degree of political power, culminating in the Henrician Articles (1573), which effectively converted the already limited monarchy of Poland into a republic of the gentry with an elective chief magistrate (i.e., the king). When Sigismund, son of John III of Sweden, was elected to the Polish throne (1587), however, he tried to increase the power of the monarchy. His efforts to reduce the nobles' parliamentary prerogatives became identified with his particularly unpopular policiese.g., the involvement of Poland in his personal dynastic struggle in Sweden, the establishment of close relations with the Habsburgs of Austria, and his hostile attitude toward non-Catholics. Opposition to Sigismund thus was mounting when, while he was fighting his uncle Charles IX, who had seized the Swedish throne, he requested that the Polish Sejm (legislature) authorize a permanent army as well as funds to maintain it (March 1606). The members of the Sejm interpreted his request as an attempt to usurp their authority and reduce their control over his actions. Mikolaj Zebrzydowski, the palatine (the king's governor) of Krakw, accused the king of breaking the basic laws of Poland and claimed that in doing so Sigismund had forfeited his monarchial right to demand obedience and loyalty from the nobility. Gathering a following of both political and religious dissidents, Zebrzydowski held a series of conventions during 1606 and formulated a set of demands. When the king failed to satisfy them, Zebrzydowski led his 60,000 supporters into armed rebellion. The insurgents, who declared the king deposed in 1607, presented a sufficient threat to Sigismund to compel him to reduce his military activities against Sweden and to prevent him from pursuing the advantage he had gained in that war. Although the king's forces were of questionable loyalty, the rebels went into a panic as the royal troops advanced at Guzw and were decisively defeated (July 6, 1607). Despite that defeat and the decline of the political influence of the religious dissidents, the Sejm of 1609 granted a general amnesty and also guaranteed the constitution of Poland, forcing Sigismund to abandon his efforts to make the Polish monarchy more absolute.
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012