[noun] - (a) talk between two or more people in which thoughts, feelings and ideas are expressed, questions are asked and answered and news and information are exchangedI had an interesting conversation with the bloke who lives in the flat below us this morning. [C]We were trying to hold/carry on a conversation but with all this noise going on it was impossible! [C]I'm afraid my attempts to strike up (a) conversation with (= start talking to) the exotic-looking man in black came to nothing! [C or U]He said that because they watch so much television, many people have lost the art of conversation (= talking to each other). [U]Every time I've found myself in a social situation with my boss we seem to have run out of conversation (= things to say to each other) after two minutes! [U]If you make conversation, you try to think of things to say to someone whom you do not know very well because it is polite to do so in that particular situation.I hate it when you're left alone at a party with a complete stranger and you've got to make conversation.A conversation stopper is a remark which stops the natural flow of the conversation because it is unexpected and in some way causes embarrassment or shock.When she told us her son was in prison, it was a real conversation stopper.A conversation piece is an unusual object which causes people to start talking.Her collection of Victorian dolls provided a conversation piece for her guests.
Meaning of CONVERSATION in English
Cambridge English vocab. Кембриджский английский словарь. 2012