[adjective]We found a sheltered spot (= a place protected from wind, rain, etc.) to have our picnic.(disapproving) If someone has had a sheltered life, they have had a (too) quiet life, protected from anything dangerous, painful or exciting.Until going to University, she had led a very sheltered life.(US) If you shelter income, you legally avoid paying taxes on it.Their accountant suggested some novel ways of sheltering their retirement income.Sheltered accommodation/Sheltered housing is housing specially designed for old people or people with mental or physical difficulties to live in, in which each person has their own apartment, and someone is employed to help them if they need help.(UK and ANZ) A sheltered workshop is a factory, or similar place of work, specially designed for people with mental or physical difficulties to work in.
Meaning of SHELTERED in English
Cambridge English vocab. Кембриджский английский словарь. 2012