Meaning of CURIUM in English

Name: curium

Symbol: Cm

Atomic number: 96

Atomic weight: [ 247 ]

Group in periodic table:

Group name: Actinoid

Period in periodic table: 7 (actinoid)

Block in periodic table: f-block

CAS registry ID: 7440-51-9

Most compounds of Cm(III) are faintly yellow. If curium enters the body it accumulates in the bones, and is therefore very toxic as its radiation destroys the red-cell forming mechanism. Curium is a radioactive rare earth metal. The most stable isotope is 247Cm which has a half-life of 16 million years. Curium is probably present in uranium ores. It has a few specialised uses but only a few of its compounds are known.

Chemistry of the elements English vocabulary.      Английский словарь химии элементов.