Meaning of PROTACTINIUM in English

Name: protactinium

Symbol: Pa

Atomic number: 91

Atomic weight: 231.03588 (2)

Group in periodic table:

Group name: Actinoid

Period in periodic table: 7 (actinoid)

Block in periodic table: f-block

CAS registry ID: 7440-13-3

Protactinium has a bright metallic lustre which it retains for some time in air. The element is superconductive below 1.4 K. The element is a dangerous toxic material and requires precautions similar to those used when handling plutonium. Protactinium is one of the rarest and most expensive naturally occurring elements. The element is an a-emitter and is a radiological hazard similar to polonium. Protactinium is a highly toxic and radioactive rare earth metal that requires special handling. It is found in pitchblende and ores form Zaire and is one of the rarest and most expensive naturally occurring elements.

Chemistry of the elements English vocabulary.      Английский словарь химии элементов.