Meaning of UNUNQUADIUM in English

Name: ununquadium

Symbol: Uuq

Atomic number: 114

Atomic weight: [ 285 ]

Group in periodic table: 14

Group name:

Period in periodic table: 7

Block in periodic table: p-block

CAS registry ID: 54085-16-4

Element 114 was reported informally in January 1999 following experiments towards the end of December 1998 involving scientists at Dubna (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) in Russia apparently using isotopes supplied by scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA. Only one atom was identified and the claim has not yet been ratified. The results of calculations suggest that element 114 will not form a tetrafluoride UuqF4, but could be isolated as a water-soluble difluoride UuqF2.

Chemistry of the elements English vocabulary.      Английский словарь химии элементов.