having a natural or inherent opposition
national needs antipathetic to peace
Synonyms: antagonistic, clashing, conflicting, contrariant, contrary, discordant
Related Word: antipodal, antithetical, antonymous, contradictory, opposite
Idioms: at cross purposes, at daggers drawn, at war with one another
Contrasted words: agreeing, consonant, correspondent, harmonious; coactive, collaborative, cooperative
Antonyms: concordant
arousing marked aversion or dislike
found his sister's husband in every way antipathetic
Synonyms: aversive, kindless, repellent, repugnant, uncongenial, ungenial, unsympathetic
Related Word: abhorrent, obnoxious; disgustful, disgusting, distasteful, loathsome, repulsive
Contrasted words: compatible, consonant, sympathetic; alluring, attractive, charming; agreeable, pleasant, pleasing, satisfying, soothing
Antonyms: congenial
Synonyms: adverse 1, antagonistic, anti, opposed, opposing, oppugnant