Meaning of APATHY in English



lack of emotional responsiveness

hid her sorrow behind a dull brooding apathy

Synonyms: impassivity, insensibility, phlegm, stoicism, stolidity, unresponsiveness

Related Word: inertness, passivity, supineness; aloofness, detachment, indifference, unconcern; lethargy, torpidity, torpor; listlessness, numbness, stupefaction, stupor

Contrasted words: ardor, fervor, passion, responsiveness, warmth; alertness, awareness, concern, solicitude

Antonyms: zeal; enthusiasm


lack of interest or concern

public apathy toward the school crisis

Synonyms: disinterest, disregard, heedlessness, indifference, insouciance, lassitude, lethargy, listlessness, unconcern, unmindfulness

Related Word: callousness, hardness, insensitivity, obduracy, unawareness; coldness, halfheartedness, lukewarmness; calmness, dispassion, dispassionateness

Contrasted words: attentiveness, concern, heedfulness, interest; awareness, mindfulness, sensitivity, solicitude; ardency, fervency, passion, warmth, zeal

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