I. noun
Synonyms: speech 1, speaking, talk, utterance, verbalization
a systematic, serious, and often learned exposition of a subject or topic
his discourses during the seminar were long remembered
Synonyms: disquisition, dissertation, memoir, monograph, monography, thesis, tractate, treatise
Related Word: article, essay, paper; lecture, sermon; rhetoric, speech, talk
II. verb
to express oneself especially formally and at length
discourses knowledgeably about the laws of nature
Synonyms: descant, dilate (on or upon), discuss, dissert, dissertate, expatiate, sermonize
Related Word: converse, speak, talk, voice; argue, dispute; harangue, lecture, orate, perorate; amplify, develop, elaborate, enlarge, expand; explain, expound; comment, commentate, remark
Synonyms: act 1, do, enact, impersonate, perform, personate, play, playact