Meaning of ENCOURAGE in English



to fill with courage or strength of purpose especially in preparation for a hard task

the teacher's praise encouraged the student to try harder

Synonyms: animate, cheer, chirk (up), embolden, enhearten, hearten, inspirit, nerve, ||pearten (up), steel, strengthen; compare support 5

Related Word: assure, reassure; boost, excite, galvanize, pique, provoke, quicken, stimulate; buck up, buoy (up), energize, fortify, invigorate; rally, stir

Idioms: give a shot in the arm

Contrasted words: deject, depress, discourage, dishearten, dispirit; affright, caution, frighten

Antonyms: discourage


to give the support of one's approval to

the government openly encouraged East-West détente

Synonyms: advocate, countenance, favor

Related Word: approve, back, endorse, go (for), sanction, subscribe (to); abet, assist, reinforce, support, sustain; incite, instigate; induce, prevail

Idioms: lend one's countenance to, lend one's favor ( or support) to, smile upon

Contrasted words: deter, dissuade, divert, hinder; inhibit, restrain; disapprove

Antonyms: discourage


Synonyms: advance 1, forward, foster, further, promote, serve

Related Word: patronize, push, support; develop, improve, subsidize

Contrasted words: weaken; check, retard, slow

Antonyms: discourage

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English vocabulary.      Английский энциклопедический словарь тезаурус.