Meaning of EXPRESS in English

I. adjective


Synonyms: explicit , categorical, clean-cut, clear-cut, definite, definitive, specific, unambiguous

Related Word: expressed, uttered, voiced; out-and-out, unmistakable; unconditional, unqualified

Contrasted words: unexpressed, unsaid, unstated; ambiguous, equivocal; conditional, qualified


of a particular or exact sort

came for the express purpose of buying a car

Synonyms: especial, set, special, specific

Related Word: individual; definite, particular; explicit; intended, intentional, premeditated

Antonyms: vague

II. verb


Synonyms: word , couch, formulate, phrase, put


to give expression to (as a thought, an opinion, or an emotion)

expressed his views freely

Synonyms: air, give, put, state, vent, ventilate; compare say 1, word

Related Word: broach, circulate, put about; disclose, tell; frame; enunciate, phrase; announce, declare, proclaim, pronounce; discharge, drain

Contrasted words: hint, insinuate, intimate, suggest

Antonyms: imply


Synonyms: mean 2, add up (to), connote, denote, import, intend, signify, spell

Related Word: communicate, convey, impart


Synonyms: press 3, crush

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English vocabulary.      Английский энциклопедический словарь тезаурус.