I. hinder verb
to put obstacles in the way of
their cause was hindered by the excesses of overzealous supporters
Synonyms: bar, block, brake, dam, impede, obstruct, overslaugh; compare hamper
Related Word: arrest, check, interrupt, retard; clog, entrammel, fetter, hamper, hog-tie, manacle, shackle, trammel; curb, deter, hamstring, inhibit, restrain, tie (down); embog, mire; burden, handicap, lumber; baffle, balk, frustrate, thwart
Idioms: bog down
Contrasted words: abet, advance, aid, assist, ease, encourage, facilitate, forward, promote; accelerate, hasten, quicken, speed
Antonyms: further, help
II. hinder adjective
Synonyms: posterior 2, after, back, hind, hindmost, rear, retral
Antonyms: fore, front
III. ||hinder noun
Synonyms: buttocks , *arse, backside, behind, bottom, *bum, ||butt, fanny, nates, posterior