I. adjective
Synonyms: sober 3, temperate, unimpassioned
not excessive in degree, amount, or intensity
the new proposals were met with only moderate enthusiam
the snowfall is expected to be no more than moderate
Synonyms: modest, reasonable, temperate
Related Word: bland, gentle, mild, soft; inconsequential, inconsiderable, slight, small; paltry, piddling, trifling, trivial
Contrasted words: excessive, extreme, inordinate, intemperate, radical, unreasonable
Antonyms: immoderate
Synonyms: medium , average, fair, fairish, indifferent, intermediate, mean, mediocre, middling, so-so
Related Word: constant, equable, even, steady
avoiding extreme political or social measures
party policy became increasingly moderate
Synonyms: middle-of-the-road, middle-road, soft-shell
Contrasted words: conservative, right, tory; left, radical, red; extremist, fanatical, ultra
Synonyms: conservative 2, controlled, discreet, reasonable, restrained, temperate, unexcessive, unextreme
II. verb
to modify as to avoid an extreme or keep within bounds
actors moderate their voices and gestures to fit the size of the theater
Synonyms: modulate, restrain, temper
Related Word: abate, decrease, diminish, lessen, reduce; alleviate, cushion, lighten, mitigate, mollify, relieve, slacken, slow; constrain, control, qualify; chasten, cool, subdue, tone (down)
Contrasted words: aggravate, enhance, heighten, intensify; augment, increase
Synonyms: abate 4, die (down or away), ease off, ebb, fall, let up, relent, slacken, subside, wane