negligent of or marked by lack of neatness and order especially in appearance or dress
slovenly attire
Synonyms: careless, disheveled, ill-kempt, messy, mussy, raunchy, slipshod, slobbery, ||slommacky, sloppy, sloven, uncombed, unfastidious, unkempt, unneat, untidy; compare slatternly
Related Word: down-at-heel, shabby, sleazy, sluttish, slutty; blowsy, dowdy, frowsy, frumpish
Contrasted words: fastidious, neat, tidy, trim; combed, groomed, well-groomed; immaculate
Antonyms: neat
Synonyms: slipshod 3, botchy, careless, messy, slapdash, sloppy, unthorough, untidy