being in accordance with or conforming to current fashion
she was a stylish dresser
Synonyms: a la mode, chic, ||classy, dashing, exclusive, fashionable, in, modish, posh, sharp, smart, snappy, swank, swish, tonish, tony, ||trendy, trig, ultrafashionable, with-it; compare dapper
Related Word: new, new-day, newfangled, new-fashioned; modern, modernistic, up-to-date; chichi, doggish, doggy, natty, rakish, sassy, swagger; ostentatious, pretentious, ritzy, showy, swell; sleek, slick
Idioms: in fashion, in the mode
Contrasted words: styleless; old-fashioned, outmoded, out-of-date; drab, tasteless
Antonyms: dowdy, unstylish