I. ||wit verb
Synonyms: understand 3, assume, believe, ||conceit, conceive, gather, imagine, ||reckon, suppose, think
II. wit noun
Synonyms: mind 1, brain, gray matter, head, ||upper story, ||upperworks
Related Word: perspicacity, sagacity; apprehension, awareness, comprehension
often wits plural mental soundness and health
frightened nearly out of her wits
Synonyms: lucidity, ||marbles, mind, reason, saneness, sanity, sense(s), soundnesss
Related Word: balance, rationality
Contrasted words: aberration; craziness, derangement, insanity, lunacy, madness, mania
Antonyms: witlessness
acuteness of perception or judgment
had the wit to know that he was out of his depth in such a discussion
Synonyms: acumen, astucity, astuteness, clear-sightedness, discernment, discrimination, keenness, penetration, percipience, perspicacity, shrewdness; compare prudence 1
Related Word: awareness, comprehension, grasp, insight, perception, understanding; prudence, sagaciousness, sagacity, sageness, sapience, wisdom; clairvoyance, divination, ESP, sensing
Contrasted words: aridity, dullness, prosaicness, unimaginativeness; fatuity, foolishness, inanity, silliness, stupidity
Synonyms: intelligence 1, brain(s), brainpower, mentality, mother wit, sense
a talent for banter or persiflage
a jolly man, noted for his kindly wit
Synonyms: esprit, humor
Related Word: alertness, keenness, quick-wittedness; brilliance, cleverness, intelligence, smartness
Synonyms: humor 5
Synonyms: humorist 2, comedian, comic, droll, funnyman, jester, joker, jokester, quipster, wag