I. noun
Synonyms: clown 3, buffoon, harlequin, merry-andrew
Related Word: comic, farceur, funnyman
one who makes an exhibition of himself for the amusement of others
tired of having her parties spoiled by drunken zanies
Synonyms: clown, cutup, farceur, joker, jokester, wag
Related Word: practical joker, pranker, prankster, trickster; exhibitionist, show-off
Synonyms: wag 1, card, comedian, humorist, joker
Synonyms: fool 4, ament, cretin, ||feeb, half-wit, idiot, imbecile, moron, natural, simpleton
II. adjective
Synonyms: foolish 2, cockamamie, crazy, dotty, harebrained, kooky, loony, loopy, nutty, wacky