Meaning of ATTRACT in English

v. Function: verb

1 to exert an irresistible or compelling influence on FF1C; her beauty attracted all eyes FF1E;

Synonyms: allure, bewitch, captivate, charm, draw, enchant, fascinate, magnetize, take, wile

Related Words: entice, lure, seduce, tempt; beguile, draw (in), intrigue, inveigle, suck (in); enrapture, entrance; court, invite, solicit

Contrasted Words: fend (off), hold (off or away), rebuff, repulse; disgust, offend, revolt

Antonyms: repel


Synonyms: INTEREST , appeal, excite, fascinate, intrigue

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.