Meaning of AUGUR in English


Function: verb


Synonyms: FORETELL , adumbrate, forecast, portend, predict, presage, prognosticate, prophesy, soothsay, vaticinate

Related Words: argue, bespeak, indicate

2 to indicate or suggest a future probability FF1C; their enthusiasm augurs well for the success of the enterprise FF1E;

Synonyms: betoken, bode, forebode, foreshadow, foreshow, foretoken, omen, portend, presage, promise

Related Words: hint, imply, intimate, suggest; prefigure, shadow (forth)

Idioms: bid fair to, give promise ( or fair promise) of, hold out hope of, lead one to believe ( or expect)

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.