n. Function: adjective
1 of, relating to, or characteristic of people that are not fully civilized FF1C; the barbarian tribes that sacked Rome FF1E;
Synonyms: barbaric, barbarous, Gothic, Hunnic, Hunnish, rude, savage, uncivil, uncivilized, uncultivated, wild
Related Words: heathenish, vandal, vandalic; backward, coarse, crude, ill-mannered, primitive, rough; untamed; uncouth, uncultured; beastish, bloodthirsty, brutal, cruel, ferocious, inhuman
Contrasted Words: gentle, peaceful, subdued, submissive, tame; cultured, enlightened, humane, sophisticated; genteel, refined, well-bred, well-mannered
Antonyms: civilized
Synonyms: BARBARIC 1, barbarous, graceless, outlandish, tasteless, vulgar, wild