Meaning of BETRAY in English

v. Function: verb


Synonyms: DECEIVE , beguile, bluff, delude, double-cross, humbug, illude, juggle, mislead, take in

Related Words: ensnare, entrap, snare, trap

2 to prove faithless or treacherous FF1C; betrayed his own people by going over to the enemy FF1E;

Synonyms: cross, double-cross, sell, sell out, ||split

Related Words: desert, renegade; give away, inform, turn in; collaborate; apostatize

Idioms: act ( or play) the traitor, break faith, round on, sell down the river


Synonyms: REVEAL 1, blab (out), disclose, discover, divulge, give away, spill, tell, uncover, unveil

Related Words: demonstrate, evidence, evince, manifest, show; betoken, indicate

Contrasted Words: defend, guard, protect, safeguard, shield

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.