Meaning of DECEIT in English

n. Function: noun

1 the act or practice of imposing upon the credulity of others by dishonesty, fraud, or trickery FF1C; he was full of deceit in his business dealings FF1E;

Synonyms: cunning, dissemblance, dissimulation, duplicity, guile

Related Words: chicane, chicanery, deception, double-dealing, fraud, trickery; artifice, craft; cheating, cozening, defrauding, entrapping, overreaching, trapping

Contrasted Words: honesty, scrupulosity, scrupulousness, uprightness; candidness, candor, frankness, openness; forthrightness, straightforwardness


Synonyms: IMPOSTURE , deception, flimflam, fraud, gyp, hoax, humbug, sell, sham, swindle

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.