v. Function: verb
Synonyms: DEPRECIATE 1, devaluate, devalue, downgrade, lower, mark down, underrate, undervalue, write down, write off
2 to indicate one's low opinion of something FF1C; decrying his opponent's character FF1E;
Synonyms: abuse, bad-mouth, belittle, cry down, depreciate, derogate, detract (from), diminish, discount, disparage, dispraise, downcry, ||low-rate, minimize, opprobriate, put down, run down, take (from), take away, write off
Related Words: deprecate, disapprove; censure, condemn, criticize, denounce, reprehend, reprobate; asperse, calumniate, defame, malign, traduce, vilify; discredit, disgrace
Idioms: bring into discredit, cast a slur upon, cast blame upon, dump on, throw stones at
Contrasted Words: acclaim, eulogize, laud, praise; aggrandize, exalt, magnify; applaud, commend, compliment, recommend; endorse, sanction; approve, countenance, favor
Antonyms: extol, puff