Meaning of EMINENCE in English

n. Function: noun

1 a condition, position, or state of great importance or superiority FF1C; the eminence of the presidency FF1E;

Synonyms: distinction, illustriousness, kudos, preeminence, prestige, prominence, prominency, renown

Related Words: greatness, loftiness, prepotency, significance, superiority; authority, credit, dignity, importance, influence, power, weight; fame, famousness, glory, honor, reputation, repute

Contrasted Words: insignificance, unimportance; obscurity


Synonyms: NOTABLE 1, big-timer, bigwig, chief, dignitary, leader, lion, luminary, notability, VIP

3 a natural elevation FF1C; the house stood on an eminence overlooking the river FF1E;

Synonyms: projection, prominence

Related Words: peak, raise, rise, uprise; altitude, elevation, height; highness, loftiness

Contrasted Words: cavity, depression, dip

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.