Meaning of EXPAND in English

v. Function: verb


Synonyms: OPEN 4, extend, fan (out), outspread, outstretch, spread, unfold


Synonyms: INCREASE 1, aggrandize, augment, beef (up), boost, enlarge, extend, heighten, magnify, multiply

3 to increase or become increased in bulk, volume, or size FF1C; water expands when heated FF1E;

Synonyms: amplify, dilate, distend, inflate, swell

Related Words: grow; bulk (up), enlarge, fill (out); bolster; mushroom, ||plim, puff (up)

Contrasted Words: condense, decrease, deflate, shrink, shrivel; dwindle, lessen

Antonyms: contract

4 to express more fully and in greater detail FF1C; expanded his notes into an essay FF1E;

Synonyms: amplify, develop, elaborate, enlarge

Related Words: detail, explicate; augment; discourse, expatiate

Contrasted Words: compress, condense, contract

Antonyms: abridge


Synonyms: INCREASE 2, augment, build, enlarge, heighten, mount, multiply, rise, upsurge, wax


Synonyms: ESCALATE 2, grow

Related Words: prolong, protract

Contrasted Words: de-escalate; circumscribe

Antonyms: limit, restrict

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.