n. Function: noun
Synonyms: DISPOSITION 3, character, complexion, individualism, individuality, makeup, nature, personality, temper, temperament
Synonyms: MOOD 1, mind, strain, temper, tone, vein
Synonyms: CAPRICE , bee, boutade, conceit, crotchet, fancy, freak, megrim, vagary, whim
4 that quality or element which appeals to a sense of the ludicrous or incongruous FF1C; see the humor in a situation FF1E;
Synonyms: comedy, comicality, comicalness, drollery, drollness, funniness, humorousness, wittiness
Related Words: jocosity, jocularity, jocundity, jocundness; flippancy, levity, lightness; banter, chaffing, jesting, joking, kidding
Contrasted Words: earnestness, seriousness, solemnity; depth, profundity
5 something that is or is designed to be humorous FF1C; his heavy humor fell flat FF1E;
Synonyms: wit
Related Words: banter, chitchat, pleasantry, repartee
Synonyms: WIT 5, esprit
Antonyms: humorlessness