adj. Function: adjective
capable of prolonged and arduous effort FF1C; a teacher who has indefatigable patience with slow learners FF1E;
Synonyms: inexhaustible, tireless, unflagging, untiring, unweariable, unwearying, weariless
Related Words: assiduous, diligent, painstaking, sedulous; determined, dogged, patient, persevering, persistent, pertinacious, relentless, steadfast, stubborn, tenacious, unfaltering, unflinching, unrelenting, unwavering; energetic, strenuous, vigorous
Contrasted Words: dawdling, dilatory, laggard, lagging, procrastinating; faineant, indolent, lackadaisical, lazy, slothful, sluggish
Antonyms: fatigable