adj. Function: adjective
1 disposed to exercise or flaunt dictatorial authority in a way to override any protestation FF1C; the royal favorite was pompous and masterful when dealing with subordinates FF1E;
Synonyms: bossy, domineering, high-handed, imperative, imperial, imperious, magisterial, overbearing, peremptory
Related Words: absolute, arbitrary, authoritarian, authoritative, dictative, dictatorial, doctrinaire, dogmatic; autocratic, despotic, tyrannical; high-and-mighty, self-willed
Contrasted Words: humble, modest, unpretentious; indecisive, irresolute; submissive, yielding; feeble, weak
Synonyms: PROFICIENT , adept, crack, crackerjack, expert, master, masterly, skilled, skillful
Related Words: adroit, deft, dexterous; preeminent, superlative, supreme, transcendent