adj. Function: adjective
being beyond one's powers to discover, understand, or explain FF1C; he had a mysterious sense of humor, laughing when other people did not FF1E;
Synonyms: arcane, cabalistic, impenetrable, inscrutable, mysterial, mystic, numinous, unaccountable, unexaminable, unguessed, unknowable; compare INEXPLICABLE , STRANGE 4
Related Words: impenetrable, incognizable, incomprehensible, uncomprehensible, ungraspable, unintelligible, unknowable; abstruse, esoteric, occult, recondite; ambiguous, cryptic, enigmatic, equivocal, obscure
Contrasted Words: explainable, explicable; apprehensible, comprehendible, comprehensible, fathomable, graspable, intelligible, knowable, lucid, scrutable; candid, frank, honest, straightforward
Antonyms: unmysterious