Meaning of PRECISE in English

adj. Function: adjective


Synonyms: DEFINITE 1, circumscribed, determinate, fixed, limited, narrow, restricted


Synonyms: CORRECT 2, accurate, exact, nice, proper, right, rigorous

Related Words: rigid, stringent

Contrasted Words: careless, heedless; lax, slack

Antonyms: imprecise; loose


Synonyms: PRIM 1, genteel, missish, prig, priggish, prissy, prudish, puritanical, straitlaced, stuffy

4 distinguished from every other FF1C; arrived just at the precise moment when he was needed FF1E;

Synonyms: exact, very

Related Words: specific; individual; particular

Contrasted Words: general, inexact, nonspecific

Antonyms: imprecise

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.