v. Function: verb
1 to make known what has been or should be concealed FF1C; he solemnly promised he would not reveal the truth FF1E;
Synonyms: betray, blab (out), disclose, discover, divulge, give away, let on, ||let out, mouth, spill, tell, unbosom, unclose, uncover, uncurtain, unveil
Related Words: break, communicate, impart; announce, blow (about or abroad), broadcast, declare, give out, publish, vent; breathe, whisper; leak; acknowledge, admit, avow, confess, let on; peach, rat, ||split, squeak, squeal (on), ||stool, talk
Idioms: let slip, let the cat out of the bag, spill the beans
Contrasted Words: cover (up), hide, obscure, veil
Antonyms: conceal
Synonyms: OPEN 2, disclose, display, expose, unclothe, uncover, unveil