Meaning of STERILE in English

adj. Function: adjective

1 lacking the power to bear offspring or produce fruit FF1C; a hybrid that is completely sterile FF1E;

Synonyms: barren, effete, impotent, infecund, infertile, unfruitful

Related Words: sterilized; fallow, fruitless, unproductive; unprolific; arid, bare, dry; dead, desolate

Contrasted Words: potent, productive, rich; bearing, fruiting, fruitive, producing, turning out, yielding; fecund, fruitful, prolific, teeming

Antonyms: fertile


Synonyms: UNORIGINAL , noncreative, uncreative, uninspired, uninventive, unoriginative

Related Words: flat, insipid, jejune, vapid; stale; effete, worn-out; impotent

Contrasted Words: fertile, fruitful, potent, producing, productive, prolific

Antonyms: fecund

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.