Meaning of SUPERNATURAL in English

n. Function: adjective

1 of, relating to, or proceeding from an order of existence beyond the visible observable universe FF1C; many then believed in a supernatural force that directs history FF1E;

Synonyms: metaphysical, miraculous, numinous, preternatural, superhuman, superior, supermundane, suprahuman, supramundane, supranatural, unearthly

Related Words: paranormal, rare, unusual; spiritual; celestial, heavenly; divine

2 being much more than is natural or normal FF1C; had a supernatural ability to win money FF1E;

Synonyms: superhuman, supernormal, superordinary, supranormal, uncanny, unnatural

Related Words: extraordinary, outstanding, phenomenal, remarkable; paranormal


Synonyms: EXCESSIVE 1, exorbitant, extravagant, extreme, immoderate, inordinate, stratospheric, towering, unconscionable, unmeasurable

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