v. Function: verb
Synonyms: JOIN 1, associate, combine, conjoin, connect, couple, link, marry, relate, wed
Related Words: amalgamate, blend, merge, mix
Antonyms: alienate; disunite, divide
2 to join forces especially in order to act more effectively FF1C; citizen groups uniting to further the fight against crime FF1E;
Synonyms: band, coadjute, combine, concur, conjoin, cooperate, league; compare UNIFY 1
Related Words: affiliate, ally, associate, confederate; coalesce, commingle, fuse, mingle, weld
Idioms: draw together, hook up with, join forces (with), make common cause (with), throw in with
Contrasted Words: break up, disband, separate, split (up)
Antonyms: disunite, part